Braver Angels workshops are typically free events as part of our mission to depolarize America. Braver Angels is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. We invite you to consider a gift to Braver Angels; all donations are tax deductible. Your support will allow us to offer more workshops and debates with the ultimate goal of uniting America. To donate to Minnesota Braver Angels, go to Support a Braver Angels Field Organization - Minnesota.
Minnesota events are listed below. To find a national event, visit the Events Calendar on the national Braver Angels website. The national BA events calendar offers in-person and online events and can be searched by date and location. Most Registration links go to Eventbrite, a service that lists events and manages registrations.
Upcoming events and activities in Minnesota
March 29 - Parenting in a Time of Polarization (In-person)
Saturday, March 29 10-11:30 a.m.
Oasis Park Building, 1700 County Road C2 West
Roseville, MN 55113
Register Space is limited and registration required.
Parenting is never easy, but how do we raise children in a time of anxiety, outrage, and partisan conflict over politics and the direction of our country? Learn strategies and skills to help our children feel safe but not oblivious, concerned but not fearful, and able to express their evolving values and views without demonizing others who disagree (some of whom are in their extended families!).
This is the world premiere for a workshop that will spread around the country through Braver Angels.
Presenter: Bill Doherty, Ph.D., Roseville resident, retired University of Minnesota professor, and cofounder of Braver Angels.
Hosted by Do Good Roseville
April 1 - Common Ground Workshop on Immigration (In-person)
Tuesday, April 1, 6-9 p.m.
Eastridge High School Media Center
4200 Pioneer Drive,
Woodbury, MN 55129
Host: East Metro Alliance
Register - We need 5-7 Red and 5-7 Blue panel participants. Observers are welcome.
The Common Ground workshop allows participants to go deeper into a single issue. Points of Agreement can be fleshed out at future group meetings, and when possible, lead to joint Red/Blue actions such as op-eds, joint speaking and meetings with legislators.
Goals are to:
Delve into a single issue where citizens differ and learn how each side sees the problem
Delineate areas of common ground and points of agreement
Discover insights that might be helpful to others in our community and the nation
This workshop brings together equal numbers of Red and Blue participants (4-8 of each). Observers are welcome and do not need to identify their color or be balanced in numbers. Participants will engage in four exercises designed to identify personal connections to the issue, policy stances, discover common ground, and find unanimous Points of Agreement. A pre-read will be sent to registrants to acquaint them with some basic information that has been agreed to by both sides.
Read this before the Workshop Overview of Facts and Immigrations Issues. And here is the Participant Guide that details the agenda and specific activities.
April 7 - Gather, Review and Discuss (In-person)
Monday, April 7, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Davanni’s Pizza
3015 Harbor Lane N
Plymouth, MN 55447
Host: West Suburban Alliance
Because we haven’t met for a while, we will introduce and review our skills for disagreeing better and discuss an article that will be sent to you after you send an RSVP email to: All are welcome.
To preview the skills ahead of time, read Braver Angels Participant Guide: Skills for Disagreeing Better.
April 17 - Minnesota State Alliance Open House (Zoom)
Thursday, April 17 7-8 p.m. CDT
Host: Minnesota Braver Angels Coordinators
Your state coordinators want to know what’s on your mind. This is a BYOQ (Bring your own question). So bring your curious questions to share about political polarization. This is a casual, unscripted time for us to practice "open honest" curious questions among other Braver Angels practicing our LAPP skills: Listen, Acknowledge, Pivot, Perspective.
Whether you’re a seasoned member or new to Braver Angels, this is a monthly event that offers connection with other Minnesotans interested in bridging the political divide and what we hope will be a thoughtful discussion that makes a difference for you. All are welcome!
Questions? Contact