Braver Angels Minnesota

Learn about Reduce the Rancor, Minnesota 

Welcome to Braver Angels

Braver Angels Minnesota is part of a national citizens' movement that brings together conservatives, liberals, independents and others to restore trust, respect and goodwill in American politics.

We seek not to eliminate our differences but rather deal with them head-on -- with respect and understanding -- for the betterment of our communities. In short, we do not try to change people's views on issues but on how they view the other side.

We offer workshops, debates and structured conversations - typically for no charge - that allow participants to learn and practice effective listening and speaking skills. 

Our volunteers share and model these skills because they believe that treating each other better is the answer to what's broken in America. 

There will always be differences. We believe the best way forward is to change how we deal with those differences.

Latest Minnesota Braver Angels newsletter

The March 15 MN Braver Angels newsletter  features information about the Reduce the Rancor Bus Tour, Update about the Civility Caucus in the Minnsota Legislature, and more.

Saturday, March 29 - Parenting in a Time of Polarization  (Roseville, in-person)   10-11:30 a.m.

Parenting is never easy, but how do we raise children in a time of anxiety, outrage, and partisan conflict over politics and the direction of our country? Learn strategies and skills to help our children feel safe but not oblivious, concerned but not fearful, and able to express their evolving values and views without demonizing others who disagree (some of whom are in their extended families!).

Tuesday, April 1 -Common Ground Workshop on Immigration (Woodbury, in-person)  6-9 p.m.

This Common Ground workshop allows participants to go deeper into a single issue. Points of Agreement can be fleshed out at future group meetings, and when possible, lead to joint Red/Blue actions such as op-eds, joint speaking and meetings with legislators.


Read this before the Workshop Overview of Facts and Immigrations Issues. And here is the Participant Guide that details the agenda and specific activities. 

Monday, April 7 - Gather, Review and Discuss (Plymouth, in-person)  6:30-8:30 p.m.

Because the West Suburban Aliance hasn't met for awhile, they will review and discuss skill for disagreeing better.

Thursday, April 17 -Minnesota State Alliance Open House    (Zoom)   7-8 p.m.  

Whether you’re a seasoned member or new to Braver Angels, this is a monthly event that offers connection with other Minnesotans interested in bridging the political divide and what we hope will be a thoughtful discussion that makes a difference for you. All are welcome!

The statue of liberty with the American Flag in the background

We offer many ways to Get Involved. Join for $12 a year. Take a free eCourse. Attend a free local, state or national Braver Angels event, among other possibilities. Donations gratefully accepted.

Volunteer Profile - Read about Christopher Schoenherr in Get Involved. He's no stranger to achieving compromise, even in the most unlikely of places.

Two angry people looking at the camera while pointing at eachother as if saying "Can you believe this?"

Join our latest campaign to build capacity among individual Minnesotans and constituencies in academic, civic and religious organizations to disagree better. Here's what one partner said about why her organization joined the campaign.

"We are expecting one in three rural physicians to retire in the next five years. And part of that is being driven by rancor or burnout. Nobody's out there saying we should be less healthy. We all want to be healthy. We have different strategies for how to get there. But health is a common goal."
                                                                  Laurel Ries M.D., President, Minnesota Medical Association

A close up view of hands writing in a notebook

Braver Angels Effectiveness

After participating in our programs 

After participating in our signature Red/Blue Workshop:

After participating in 1:1 Conversations:  97% of participants say they found common ground with someone across the divide.

Source: Braver Angels Program Evaluations 


Connect with your Minnesota Braver Angels state coordinators at